I was excited about how the surveys went. The students gave me some good answers and I learned a lot from what they said!
Here are a few conclusions/surprises I came to after looking at the kids answers:
- Every child said they liked reading group and Daily 5 time.
- Here were some of their reasons:
- "because I want to learn new things"
- "because I like reading!"
- "so I can be a better reader"
- "I like it because it makes you smart"
- "because it is fun!"
- Every child said there are enough books they like to read in the library. I asked them for suggestions too- I might go shopping at scholastic to get a few of their choices.
- This was my favorite question with responses... I typed them exactly as they were written on their papers.
- I asked them about changing the voice level from a 0 to a 1. 6 of the 8 said they thought I should change the voice level. The next question asked if they thought people would stay at a 1 if I did change it. 7 of the 8 kids were thoughtful enough to know that if it was a 1 students would not stay at a 1. This happens in my room ALOT.... I thought it was interesting that these kids were perceptive of this voice level problem we had.
- Favorites:
- 2 Read to Buddy
- 1 Read to Self
- 2 Work on Writing
- 3 Word Work
- Least Favorite:
- 1 Work on Writing
- 3 Read to Self
- 2 Word Work
- 2 Listening
- The kids had a variety of good reasons for why they did or did not like the particular station.
- Here are some of the best/ most valuable:
- I don't like read to self because "I might not know a word" "It is not fun because you have to read to yourself"
- I don't like word work because "It is messy"- I have to admit this one puzzles me!
- I don't like listening to reading because "we just sit and listen" "you have to keep on listening to a whole story" - I am going to try changing out the books more often.
- I like word work because "It is fun"
- I like read to buddy because "me and my partner get to read together" "because I read a page and my buddy reads a page"
Overall I am VERY pleased! There were several of the kids that answered with "because it is fun" for several questions. I tried to watch as they answered to make sure I got answers more specific than that- but missed a few. I really wish I had asked them a follow up question at the time, like what do you mean it is fun? or how is it fun? I wonder if I took their survey to them this week if they would be able to give me more information? Is that okay?
The comment about reading making the child smarter is adorable. I love how you asked the students if there were enough books they liked to read in the library and then you asked them for suggestions. What a great way for your students to take ownership! I must admit I am a little surprised by the listening center comments about not liking to sit there and listen to a story. My students love it, however, this year I got carpet squares. They love to grab a carpet square and get comfortable. I wonder if they are not comfortable or do not like the stories or neither and I am completely wrong.