Thursday, February 14, 2013

This week

I have gotten quite a bit of work done on my project this week! I took field notes on Wednesday and tried to be more mindful of thick description. I will post a couple of examples at my thick description attempts this weekend. I also typed up a survey about The Daily Five and did it with my focus group today. I was so excited about how the kids responded. They gave honest answers and were able to answer all of the questions and explain their opinions. I will post more about these this weekend too!

Next project will be starting to code all of this information I have gathered! EEEK!


  1. It is great that you feel you have got a lot done! Hopefully my time is coming! :) I am glad your students are responding well to the daily 5. I implement some of the components and my students seem to thrive on it! It's great to see students excited about reading.
    I need to start to code as well, I'm not sure I even have enough to start!

  2. I'm glad your students gave honest answers on their survey. Sometimes you have students who are so eager to please the teacher that their answers can skew the results. Like you and Sarah, I also need to code my data. Congratulations on getting a lot of work done on your project! Each step help builds confidence towards to the final product :) Good luck coding!
