Sunday, March 3, 2013

Analyzing- Student Survey

Well... I just tried out the post it note method with my student surveys. I think It went pretty well! Here is a picture of what I endend up with!  (I have NO idea why it is sideways... ugh!)

**Updated** After speakin with my professor I have made a few changes to the way I coded.
Anyway... I came up with 3 themes and a few post its that are kind-of oddballs.
1. Students have positive thoughts about Daily 5.
  • 8/8 like it
  •  "I like reading"- John
  • " It is fun" - Katherine (x2), Hannah, Brittney
  • There were a variety of favorite stations
  • There are plenty of books in the classroom library they like to read 8/8
2. Students enjoy working with thier peers.
  • "It is not fun to read alone"- Brittney
  • "They help you"- Sam
  • "They help figure out words"- John and Sam
  • "It's fun doing something with a partner"- Michael
  • "You can talk"- Hannah
  • Dislike being alone
  • Would like expectatinons to have a voice level 1 instead of a 0 (all students)
3. Students say Daily 5 helps them academically.
  • " It makes you smart"- Sarah
  • " So I can be a better reader"- Brittney
  • " You learn new things"- Sam
Oddball Postits:
  • Dislike being still Sarah
  • They like that there are no worksheets during Daily 5. They do not want to add worksheets.
  • "You have to read and write alot" Hannah and Katherine

Overall, the results I got from my survey confirm many of the ideas that I found in my literature review. Especially about working with peers.

For example:
      I think providing my students a buddy, especially one with a slightly higher reading level, would increase reading confidence and reading attitudes. Research by Williams, Hendrick, and Tuschinski (2008) confirms my ideas. They say, “children appear to have high motivation to read when they will be sharing some aspect of their reading with others” (Williams, et. al, 2008,  p.136). The Boushey and Moser (2006) text provides a teacher with a step by step guide to teaching students to read to someone. Boushey and Moser (2006) recommend that students buddy read by, choral reading, echo reading, or taking turns reading pages.


Boushey, G., Moser, J. (2006). The daily five: Fostering literacy independence in the elementary
      Grades. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers. Williams, L.M, Hendrick, W.B, Tuschinski, L. (2008). Motivation: Going beyond testing to a
       lifetime of reading. Childhood Education, 84(3), 135-141 .


  1. I love how you used colored paper to organize your data better! I am jealous you have your four themes. I do think your oddball post-its could go in your first theme. However, I was always thinking that the first comment could go in your third theme as well since reading is helping to improve their academics. Just a thought!

  2. I agree with Sarah, combining those themes would be good. You did a nice job coding that data. My kids LOVE to buddy read, they are motivated and happy to go with their partner. It's nice to see their interactions (most of the time).
